The Perfect Barista is only a Click Away | #CCP025

Tristan Creswick from Speciality Coffee Education talks to Raihaan Esat.
Have you ever thought about a career as a Barista? Taken those short courses that are advertised and want to learn more about the art of coffee making?

Tristan Creswick from Speciality Coffee Education is your go-to for all coffee education and career choice questions.

Until Tristan opened up the Specialty Coffee Education in Queensland, a lot of coffee aficionados would spend a weekend at a roaster learning the basics of coffee making and paying anywhere from $80 for a short course to $800 or more for a 2-day course.

Speciality Coffee does things a little differently when they take you on their specialised journey from Farm to Barista, in their 3-level course structure.

Learn the basics in the Foundation Course. The Foundation course covers subjects like:
  • What equipment to use
  • Steaming Milk
  • Basic Recipes
  • Brewing Routine and
  • So much more.
Once you have completed this you can then level up to the Intermediate course. This will open the door for you to be a better barista, and where you can operate on your own or as a supervisor.

But don’t stop there!

Try out the 3rd level – the professional. This will further open up your world to where you can operate your own café, become a Barista trainer and become AST authorised to train others.

Australia already has a fantastic coffee culture, and this was built on just the basic and generic courses that have been on offer. Imagine what the Australian Coffee scene will be like once we have properly trained baristas brewing us our daily cup of energy?

How do you get started in getting fast-tracked in the growing coffee culture? Head to the Specialty Coffee Education website and obtain yourself an SCA Learner Number for free. Then sign up for the first level and let the brew begin.

Why pay thousands of dollars when you can become one of the greatest baristas in Australia for a fraction of the price?

Would you like to know more?

Listen in to Tristan and Rai as they open the bag of beans and let the coffee aroma permeate and intoxicate you.

Guest: Tristan Creswick
Organisation: Speciality Coffee Education
Position: Director
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This episode was produced by The Podcast Boss.
The Perfect Barista is only a Click Away | #CCP025
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