Beat Staffing Woes with Michael Chettle from Barista Depot | #CCP002

Are you struggling to find efficient staff members for your café? Well, so are a lot of other hospitality business owners. In today’s episode, we have Michael Chettle, Director at Barista Depot and a Coffee Commune member, who runs a registered hospitality training organisation that trains front-of-house and kitchen staff. He helps hospitality business owners find trained staff so they never have to look too far. How often have you invested valuable time and resources in marketing for a vacancy, only to learn that people did not turn up? This is a surprisingly frequent occurrence and a problem that everybody in the industry can relate to. Michael has experienced this issue first-hand, too. He aims to solve this key industry problem by helping you find the right person for the right job. Whether you need a champion barista or just a set of hands to clean tables, Barista Depot will find you your unicorn. If you are in a pickle and need staffing assistance, reach out to Michael or his team and they will take care of your staffing needs.
Are you struggling to find efficient staff members for your café? Well, so are a lot of other hospitality business owners. In today’s episode, we have Michael Chettle, Director at Barista Depot and a Coffee Commune member, who runs a registered hospitality training organisation that trains front-of-house and kitchen staff. He helps hospitality business owners find trained staff so they never have to look too far.

How often have you invested valuable time and resources in marketing for a vacancy, only to learn that people did not turn up? This is a surprisingly frequent occurrence and a problem that everybody in the industry can relate to.

Michael has experienced this issue first-hand, too. He aims to solve this key industry problem by helping you find the right person for the right job. 

Whether you need a champion barista or just a set of hands to clean tables, Barista Depot will find you your unicorn. If you are in a pickle and need staffing assistance, reach out to Michael or his team and they will take care of your staffing needs. 

About our Guest: Michael Chettle

Phone: 0422 450 625

Michael has been a part of the hospitality industry since the 90s and has been a witness to the common staffing woes of hospitality business owners. Over the last decade, Michael has been working towards training all levels of staff from front-of-house to chefs and hopes to provide hospitality business owners the leisure of hassle-free staffing. 

Feel free to reach out to Michael and his team on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, or the Barista Depot website.

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The episode was brought to you by The Podcast Boss 
Beat Staffing Woes with Michael Chettle from Barista Depot | #CCP002
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